It just comes across as a racist attitude, to me.Is anyone that doesn't speak the "Official" language
I saw it so much in Sweden.
"You don't speak my language, so you are the filth of the
world" type of attitude.
The French and the Russians have that attitude even more so.
The Japanese actually take offense if you try and learn their
language and don't do it well, but if you try hard, they honor
your efforts.
My cousin Ross could probably tell you what Arabic speakers
do if you learn theirs.
And what do Americans do?
Slap that attitude on a pointless bill and then
polarize the issue by claiming their side is right.
Bifurcation at it's best.
Like it or not, this world's languages are many.
English, Chinese and probably Spanish need to be
taught in our schools if we want to compete in the
global economy. Heck, if we go by simple numbers, we
should be teaching Mandarin, Hindi, English, Spanish
and Arabic. Not necessarily in that order.
Stamping our 2-year-old foot and lashing out at the
rest of the children, demanding that everyone play
with ONLY us sure sounds like a spoiled brat to me.
Trying to butter up the issue by waving the patriotic
flag at me only points out that our forefathers fought
for our freedom, not for a Germanic Anglo-Frisian
language. Then tacking on attacks against senators
that saw through the rhetoric and propaganda?
Blarg. In a word.
isn't an "Official" citizen?
So if I don't drink the official drink, wear the official clothes,
live in the official neighborhood, have the official hair color and drive the official vehicle then I'm not an official consumer?
If I don't read the official website of my favorite author,
am I not getting the official information? What about
the official website of my favorite movie?
Newspaper? Magazine? Non-Fiction text?
Cookbook? Tennis shoe? Peanut Butter?
Toothbrush? Or the official of anything?
This 'official' thing is starting to look like the another
word that looks like it.
Offal. Or just another stupid buzzword that marketers
use to sell us another piece of junk.
Just what does this accomplish? Abby So Lute Lee Nothing.
Just gives the PCs another racist feather in their cap
to lord over the unwashed masses.
Still reminds me of the "Nyah, Nyah, Nyyah-Nyah, Nyah"
attitude of "I'm gooder cause I'm edumacated in English and you aren't"
Again, Blarg.
Official sites:
The Official US Time
The Official Peanuts
The Official Earlobe
The Official Light of Doom
The Official Peanut and Peanut Butter
The Official Star Wars
Blarg, blarg, bargity blarg.