My wife asks me who I'm gonna vote for on Election Day.
Senator Obama.
The overly simple answer is that he's the Democratic candidate.
Okay. But there's more. I don't like John McCain. He's a Bush sycophant and something I'd call "CheneyLite(TM)". Another rich, white, smug Repub who doesn't inspire me at all.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not just voting for Obama for simple reasons. I'm not voting for him because he's black, or that he's not Hillary Clinton, or that he's not a Republican. All those factors never entered into it -- I voted for Obama in the primaries.
No the reason, I think, is because I do believe he represents change. Change of ideals, strategy and leadership. Dubya has led this country for the past 8 years -- and we have 2 wars, massive debt and financial messes, and a large pool of quotes for comedians to use for their jokes. The man didn't inspire me when he landed on the aircraft carrier and stupidly declared the misison over, he didn't inspire me in all the speeches I've watched - including the one on the rubble of the Twin Towers.
McCain looks like to me as another 4 years of this. And I don't want that.
I trust Obama more. Maybe because he's younger, more in touch with the normal American.
Obama's plans? When I read his plans, I get the feeling that he's going to both succeed and fail at some of his promises. All candidates do. But I get the oily, slick feeling of getting fleeced by a used car dealer when I listen to McCain.
Last thought: when I watch the SNL parodies, I get this feeling that Obama isn't parody-proof. Far from it. The guy that imitates him has his voice and speech down pat. But I laugh much more at McCain.
Maybe because the truth is more funnier than the reality. And the reality is that McCain is not fit to lead. Obama is. And that's all I have to say about that.
Wow. I need to post more.